I obviously don't share much on this blog, but I have a story that I feel is very important for me to put out into the world.
For many years I have been sick... I have struggled with several odd symptoms that I will list for you shortly. I have been to numerous doctors, and had numerous rounds of blood work done. Every time I was told the same thing: "You are healthy." "It's all in your head." "Here are some prescriptions...."
I had basically given up on myself ever feeling healthy or normal again. At just 33 years old, I felt like I was being held captive in a 95 year old body. I was miserable, and I had no energy or motivation to be the mom or wife that I desperately wanted to be. I did not share this with many people, because you kind of start to feel like you're crazy over time, when no one can find anything wrong with you....
I'm incredibly lucky that the few people that were aware of my situation care enough about me to look out for me. One of my closest friends sent me an article at the beginning of January about how some women's breast implants are making them sick... I brushed it off. Then a couple of weeks later my little sister sent me the same article, and told me that I really needed to read it... so I did...and I ugly cried for a long long time as a light bulb went off in my head. I felt relief that I had finally figured out what it was that was making me so sick. Relief that I was in fact NOT crazy. Hope that I might be able to feel better again... and anger that I had ever done this to myself in the first place.
I spent the next three days researching like a mad woman, and I selected a fabulous surgeon to remove my breast implants.
When I was 22 years old I decided to get a breast augmentation. I had always wanted one. Body image was something that I had always struggled with significantly, and still do unfortunately... I was convinced that a new chest would help me to love myself.... how sad, and completely untrue.
As I pieced together the timeline of my symptoms, my mind was blown. The first two symptoms I had (ocular migraines, and extreme anxiety/panic attacks) started within six months of me getting my Mentor high profile smooth saline implants placed under my chest muscle. Everything else slowly trickled in over the last eleven years, getting worse after I had my second baby, and really intensifying over the last year.
I decided to have my surgery done by a surgeon that was 5 hours away from home, because it was important to me that I choose someone off of the recommended surgeon list on www.healingbreastimplantillness.com. I needed someone that would do it the proper way, because that is the only hope you have for your body to be able to rid itself from all of the toxins that is poisoning itself. My biggest fear leading up to the surgery was:
1. that I would die on the table...people do not realize what a big deal this surgery is. I had a lift done at the same time, and this was not a minor thing.
2. that I would have the surgery done, but I wouldn't experience any relief. Eleven years is a long time to put your body through that torment.
My mom drove me down for my surgery, and I went in at 11:30 on March 8th, 2019 (exactly 11 years
later) and had my implants removed in a surgery lasting just over 3 hours long (it only took 30 minutes to have them put in...)
I will never forget when I woke up, being able to take my first REAL and DEEP breath that I had taken in years- it brought tears to my eyes. I knew immediately that I had made the right decision.
The first few weeks of my recovery were tough. It was difficult for me not to be able to do much of anything at all.... I couldn't even snuggle with my two boys, and that just broke me! I was so blessed to have my husband stay home, and by my side for the first 9 days. He did absolutely everything, and was so incredibly supportive! I have such amazing family and friends too!
I am just shy of seven weeks post op from my surgery, and I am feeling better and better everyday!
It is important to me that everyone out there realizes that ALL breast implants have silicone shells, and ALL breast implants can cause cancer, and ALL breast implants can, and will eventually make you sick. It's not worth it!
Here is a list of the majority of my symptoms (most of which have subsided since explant!):
*migraines, migraines with aura, ocular migraines (loss of vision)
*extreme anxiety, panic attacks
*troubled breathing
*back pain
*neck pain
*joint pain
*major chiropractic issues
*breast pain
*carpel tunnel
*numb arms/hands/fingers, and legs/feet/toes
*low libido
*brain fog
*memory loss
*inability to lose weight
*bladder problems
*hair loss
*dry skin
*vision decline/spotty, fuzzy vision
*multiple MS symptoms
*multiple Lupus symptoms
*dry mouth, always thirsty
*NO energy
*hypo/hyper thyroid symptoms
*throat clearing
*acid reflux
I saw Dr. Randall Barnett at Alpine Plastic Surgery in Ogden, Utah. I would choose him again a million times! He and his staff are amazing!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! I would love to help any, and everyone get healthy and save their own lives like I did!
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